Teaching + Education
At SAIC since 1996, I value the ability to develop courses and curriculum in tandem with the trajectory of my research. As chair of the Department of Arts Administration and Policy, my courses have addressed intersections of Performance Studies and Cultural Policy Studies, Deliberative Ecologies, and Research Methodologies, through a lens of epistemic diversity. Keenly interested in 'middle terms', constructs that both hold and generate meaning, I have also been able to offer classes on Reading as Creative Practice, Diagrams in Art and Activism, Media Futures, and the work of Vilém Flusser, among others. Below, I am sharing projects students participated in. The image above shows a session from a course, "Narrative Proximities: Art, Design, and Politics of the Map", co-taught with Jonathan Solomon at SAIC's Homan Square classroom in 2017, with guest Kenny Bailey, of ds4si, Boston.
SAIC at Homan Square

North Lawndale Historical and Cultural Society

Creative Participation

Curatorial Projects

Facilitating a Faculty Retreat

Braiding with Students