
Mers, Adelheid. In Press 2024. "On Facilitating: Micro-Practices for A New Gentleness". In: Proceedings 13th SAR Conference 2022. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. (print and online)

Mers, Adelheid. 2023. "How Diagrammatic are Diagrammatic Instruments?. In: Issue 8: On Diagrams & the Diagrammatic. Performance Research , 27:8, 10-21, (print and online)

Mers, Adelheid. 2022. "Zetetic Maneuvers - Stalking the Continuum". In Understanding Flusser, Understanding Modernism edited by Aaron Jaffe, Michael F. Miller, Rodrigo Martini. Bloomsbury. (print and online)

Mers, Adelheid. 2021. "Performative Topologies". (Special Issue Flesh Circuits edited by Connor Mcgarrigle, El Putnam.) International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media. (print and online)

Mers, Adelheid and Quiroz, Daniel Jimenez. Editors. 2021. "For a New Gentleness". With essays by Maria Iñigo Clavo and Benvenuto Chavajay Ixtetelá, Alejandro Ponce de León, Işıl Eğrikavuk, Tyanif Rico Rodríguez on Manuela Infante, and Juan Pablo Pacheco Bejarano. CSPA Quarterly, Center for Sustainable Practices in the Arts. Vol 33. (print and online)

Mers, Adelheid. 2021. “Performative Diagrammatics: An Artistic Exploration of the Relation Between Epistemic Diversity and Systemic Elasticity.” Global Performance Studies, vol. 4, no. 1. (online)

Mers, Adelheid. 2021. “The BRAID: Moving Across Dimensions from Representation to Performativity.” In Exploring Dispositifs edited by Birte Kleine-Benne. Berlin: Logos Verlag. (print and online open access) pdf

Mers, Adelheid. 2020. "The Braid" and "Performative Topologies". Organized and edited by Emma Cocker, Alexander Damianisch, Lena Séraphin, Cordula Daus. Language-based practice within the field of artistic research. Practice Sharing Platform:

Mers, Adelheid. 2018. "The Gap begets Two-space: On the practice of Lou Mallozzi", Chicago Artist Writers, (online)

Mers, Adelheid. 2018. "Artists’ Perspectives on Grant Writing." (Issue Einreichen, edited by Esther Strauss, Matthias Schmidt) Triedere Magazine. Sonderzahl Verlag. Wien. (print)

Mers, Adelheid. 2017. "Thought Catchers: An Artist Talk". Wissenskulturen im Dialog edited by Doris Ingrisch, Marion Mangeldorf and Gert Dressel. transcript-Verlag. Bielefeld 2017. (print) pdf

Mers, Adelheid. 2017. "The Braid Diagram and A Critique Template: modeling studio critique as process in support of articulating evolving artistic practices in context". Conference Proceedings Art School Critique 2.0 edited by Richard Jochum. Teachers College Columbia University. (digital)

Mers, Adelheid. 2015. "Diskussionsmatrix zur Kufsteiner Jahrestagung des Fachverbands Kulturmanagement, 2014" Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement (1), 109. (print)

Ingrisch, Doris and Mers, Adelheid. 2014. "Wissenskulturen im Dialog", Performing Translation - Schnittstellen zwischen Kunst, Pädagogik und Wissenschaft edited by Werner Haslitschka. Löcker, Wien (print)

Mers, Adelheid. 2014. "Flexible Artworlds". Whose Culture Is It, Anyway? edited by Will Garrett-Petts, James Hoffman and Ginny Ratsoy. New Star Books, Canada(print)

Mers, Adelheid. 2013. "Adapting Techniques of Studio Critique for Arts Management Pedagogy", (Special Issue on Pedagogy) Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society. (print)

Mers, Adelheid. 2013. "Reading Vilém Flusser in North America: Self-made, Do-it-yourself and Doing-it-together". Temporary Art Review .

Mers, Adelheid. 2012. "Reading Massumi 2002, 2011". Article design by Saskia Janssen and George Korsmit. Proximities Winter.

Mers, Adelheid. 2011. “Diskurs Matrix: a diagrammatic summary and assessment of the 2011 annual conference of the Fachverband Kulturmanagement in Basel, Switzerland." Jahrbuch 2011 - Fokus Kulturpolitik edited by Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Karen van den Berg, Steffen Höhne, Rolf Keller, Birgit Mandel, Martin Tröndle, Tasos Zembylas. transcript-Verlag, Bielefeld (print)

Mers, Adelheid. 2011. "Transfer Diskurse – Einige relevante Künstlerpositionen. Kultur‑ und Kreativindustrie. Kreativität/Innovation. Ästhetik. Diagrammatik". Artistic Research als ästhetische Wissenschaft. Zur transdisziplinären Hybridisierung von Wissenschaft und Kunst" edited by Marin Tröndle and Julia Warmers. transcript-Verlag, Bielefeld (print)

Mers, Adelheid. July 6, 2009. "The value of didactic art and the gift economy—from object ownership to object affiliation", Art 21 Magazine (online)

Mers, Adelheid. 2009. “Interview with Jan Kaila and Jan-Erik Andersson, Academy of Fine Art, Helsinki, Finland”, Bootprint Vol. 2, No. 2, April. (print)

Mers, Adelheid. Editor. 2009. "Useful Pictures". With Essays by Beehive Collective, Carolyn Bernstein, Ismiaji Cahjono, V. Corzo-Duchardt, Kevin Henry, Shane Huffman, Iain Kerr, Andrew Lochhead, Heidi Neubauer-Winterburn, Claire Pentecost, Ward Shelley, Spurse, and Michelle Tupko. Whitewalls (distributed through University of Chicago Press) (print)

Mers, Adelheid. 2007. “Art as Research” diagram and talk. (Special Issue: Open Letter. Artists' Statements & the Nature of Artistic Inquiry) Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory. Thirteenth Series, No. 4: Fall. (print + DVD insert).

Mers, Adelheid. 2007. “Diagram after Duchamp’s 1957 lecture 'The Creative Act'”. Sketches: Organizing Arts edited by Elizabeth Chodos and Kerry Schneider. Green Lantern Press. (print)

Mers, Adelheid. 2007. “Crisis of Linearity” (translation of "Krise der Linearität" by Vilém Flusser) and “Stalking the Continuum” (essay and diagram). Bootprint Vol. 1, No. 1, March (print) pdf

Mers, Adelheid. 2007. "Brain Wave: A Sketch”. M /E / A/ N /I /N /G Online #4: Feminist Art: A Reassessment edited by Susan Bee and Mira Schor. February. (online)

Mers, Adelheid. 2005. “World of Art Game” and “Diagram after George Lakoff”. Diagram 5.1 (print)

Condon, Elisabeth and Mers, Adelheid. 2001. “A Collaborative Fusion”. NYArts Magazine. September. (print)

Ingrisch, Doris. 2021. Knowing in Intra-Acting. Arts-based Research als Weg des Welt-Gestaltens. In: Annegret Huber/Doris Ingrisch/Therese Kaufmann/Johannes Kretz/Gesine Schröder/Tasos Zembylas (Eds.), Knowing in Performing (147-160). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.

Woolard, Caroline. 2020. Art, Engagement and Economy: The Working Practice of Caroline Woolard. Onomatopee, Netherlands. (Woolard introduces The Braid and uses 'Making', 'Mediating' and 'Managing' as structuring device to discuss her practice.)

Schmidt-Burckhardt, Astrit. 2012. Unter dem diagrammatischen Imperativ. in: Die Kunst der Diagrammatik: Perspektiven eines neuen bildwissenschaftlichen Paradigmas. Bielefeld. Transcript, 2012.

Schmidt-Burckhardt, Astrit. 2012. Unter dem diagrammatischen Imperativ. in: Susanne Leeb (Hg.). Materialität der Diagramme. Kunst und Theorie. b-books. Berlin.